So I've gotten a lot of advice from family members to create a blog so everyone can know what is going on in our lives. Here it goes :).
I'll give a little background on Perm and I before I get into it all. We met while going to Sparks High school. I always saw him as the jokester and class clown type. I was also dating other people so Perm wasn't really on my radar. But one fateful day junior year I transferred into a yearbook class and guess who just happened to be in it? Yep, Perm would not leave me alone! I had Spanish class right before yearbook and every time I'd walk in with my Spanish book he would sit on top of my desk and ask me to speak Spanish. I refused every time! I couldn't speak all that well and didn't want to embarrass myself. Eventually, he got to me and I started seeing the guy I would end up dating.

If I don't add this part of the story I know he'll be disappointed. One thing we liked to do was play pool in the basement of my parents house with friends. So one night in May that was what we were doing. He never beat me, NEVER. So at the beginning of this game he turned to me and said, "If I beat you, you'll be my girlfriend". I laughed because he's never won against me before so it was honestly a long shot, but I agreed. Sure enough, he won (with my help) and he went screaming and running throughout the house. I just sat back and laughed.

As most know, Perm was a non-member when we started dating. He had actually gone to seminary because his friend Deseree was his ride to school. If she went, so did he. A couple of months into our relationship I was talking with him over the phone and asked him if he believed in God and how he felt about church. I told him if he wanted to get to know me he needed to get to know my church, seeing as that was a huge part of who I am. He assured me that he will go, but he won't get baptized and that Sunday he was at church with me. He saw it as a way to be with me a little bit more but my mom had another idea. She secretly got the missionaries to corner Perm and offered to teach him more through the discussions. Perm agreed, but assured me he wouldn't get baptized. Every Thursday at my parents house we all got together. I can honestly say that was one of the times in my life that I was on a spiritual high. Perm embraced the church so well and was the "Golden Investigator" as the missionaries put it. It took Perm a long time to decide to join the church. He wanted to make sure that it wasn't for me that he was making this life altering decision. Plus, he was still at home and his parents were not a fan of the idea of him becoming a member.

He eventually pushed past all that and found that being a member was what he wanted. He got baptized Aug 19, 2006 and he assured me that even though he was getting baptized, he wasn't going on a mission. By now, I just nodded my head because both my mom and I knew he would go. He would be an amazing missionary.
About a year later, Perm decided a mission would be a good idea. I was planning on going on a mission at 21 as well. That was something I never expected to do, I just so happened to get a nice awakening when I got my Patriarchal blessing that flat out told me I was to go on a mission, and then come home, find a man and get married in the temple. I was always the type that thought I would get married young and start my family. At that point we changed our way of thinking and both knew if we were to get married it would have to be after my mission.
Perm was called to the India Bangalore Mission on April 3, 2008. We were all pretty excited seeing as we've never really known someone to go to India. Plus it's where his dad and step mom are from. By now, Perm and I have dated for three years. The plan was for him to go out on his mission, I would wait another year for me to turn 21 and then I would go on mine. A few months before he left for his mission I found out I had hyperthyroidism and I was in bad shape. I was allergic to all the medication they gave me and had to have emergency surgery to get my thyroid removed(miserable time in my life! I was put on steroids.. ugh! I don't know how people willingly go on that stuff! I bulked up real quick! 25 lbs in two weeks!) 
Anyways, six months later I put my mission papers in and got my call to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and I was to report on June 17, 2009. Two weeks before I was supposed to report to the MTC I got a phone call from my doc telling me my thyroid has grown back and I couldn't go out on my mission. So our perfect little plan was no longer anything. I was home while he was out serving a mission for the both of us now.